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About Us

Who We Are?

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“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them."


Eklipse is a pop commercial clothing brand that bases its core business on global sustainabile wear.

“Prior to Eklipse, the textile industry isn’t one that is newfound to us. As the world started evolving and the results of the wastage in the textile industry were becoming more evident and detrimental, we knew it was time for us to make a significant change. We knew we wanted a cleaner approach.”

Eklipse is our beginning.

Cotton is one of the world’s most widely used and versatile fibers, but it also has a significant environmental impact. It takes 2,700 liters of water to make one cotton shirt. When consumers dispose clothing not only does it waste resources but it can take years for the materials decompose in a landfill. Our goal is to maintain a transparent company that operates in a responsible and sustainable manner. Therefor we decided to commit ourselves entirely to an ecological future.

The high quality of the products, the durability of the fabrics and the attention to the production processes to minimize the environmental impact, make Eklipse’s productions unique.

"Eklipse is a bridge to a better industry for relevant social impact."

The Future

At Eklipse, we believe that our mission goes beyond profit – it’s about creating a better future for all of us. We are taking charge and leading the way in the fashion industry, showing that it is possible to do business in a way that is both profitable and responsible.

Why Use Eklipse?


Hand in Hand

Eklipse believes in working in partnership with NGOs and other philanthropic organizations to promote hygiene, education, and literacy in less fortunate localities from the process of each sale and our own matched donations from our pool.



Eklipse believes in working in partnership with NGOs and other philanthropic organizations to promote hygiene, education, and literacy in less fortunate localities from the process of each sale and our own matched donations from our pool.


Replenishing Fashion

Eklipse is innovating a First of its Kind payment plan of 12 months for our products. At the end of which you can send the product back to be recycled and gain in-store credit and offers to purchase newer collections.



Accumulating over 40 years of experience to birth a business that’s socially responsible and respectful to its customer, environment, and socioeconomic impact and influencing future processes and endeavors for the finest quality products with ethical sourcing, producing, and manufacturing to give peace of mind for all of our customers and patrons.



Building an alliance of able and competent individuals who will work with us to bring social and economic change in their neighbors and locales. Leading the endeavors, managing, and accepting accountability for it to make sure all processes are used with intent and with results for the betterment of creating safer environments, more jobs, and a better brighter future for generations to come.

Why Use Eklipse?


Hand in Hand

Eklipse believes in working in partnership with NGOs and other philanthropic organizations to promote hygiene, education, and literacy in less fortunate localities from the process of each sale and our own matched donations from our pool.



(EKLIPSE FORUM) Fostering a community that appreciates acknowledges and discusses sustainable products, their processes, and their impact on societies and the economy of both our products and others.


Replenishing Fashion

Eklipse is innovating a First of its Kind payment plan of 12 months for our products. At the end of which you can send the product back to be recycled and gain in-store credit and offers to purchase newer collections.



Accumulating over 40 years of experience to birth a business that’s socially responsible and respectful to its customer, environment, and socioeconomic impact and influencing future processes and endeavors for the finest quality products with ethical sourcing, producing, and manufacturing to give peace of mind for all of our customers and patrons.



Building an alliance of able and competent individuals who will work with us to bring social and economic change in their neighbors and locales. Leading the endeavors, managing, and accepting accountability for it to make sure all processes are used with intent and with results for the betterment of creating safer environments, more jobs, and a better brighter future for generations to come.